The College of Family, Home and Social Science (FHSS) has a computing support team to help all faculty, staff, and FHSS students with most of their computer problems, training needs, and general computing support. Below are the numbers you should call.
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DESKTOP SERVICES - hardware - software - Microsoft Outlook - printers - login issues - general computer questions
Who to Call: FHSS Desktop Services
Number to Call: Off Campus: 801-422-7415 (option 1) -- On Campus: 2-7415 (option 1)
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VIDEO TEAM - video conversion - video editing - filming - YouTube
Who to Call: FHSS Video Team
Number to Call: Off Campus: 801-422-7415 (option 3) -- On Campus: 2-7415 (option 3)
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WEB SERVICES - website development/maintenance - website assistance
Who to Call: FHSS Web Services
Number to Call: Off Campus: 801-422-7415 (option 4) -- On Campus: 2-7415 (option 4)