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Welcome to KMBL 112

Let's take a tour!

Classroom Guide

The information below will give you a quick overview of everything you need to know to use this room successfully. Scroll down for more in-depth details about each area.

Room Resources

There are 28 stations for students, 2 whiteboards, 1 projector, an adjustable camera for lecture recording, and a presenter remote. Additional whiteboard markers can be checked out at the front desk.

    Available Software

    Software specific to this room

    Software available by default:
    Microsoft 365 Suite(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
    Microsoft Teams
    SPSS 29
    Stata 18

    *If you're missing any software you can find it and install it by using Software Center

    Presenter Station

    Computer Login:
    Use your BYU NetID and Password.

    Projector/Camera Interface:
    There is a small, black box with a screen to the right of the computer. This is the interface you will use to switch the input for the projector and control the camera.

    If the screen is all black, tap on it to get started. The screen should light up, and you will be in one of three menus. You can change which menu by pressing on its name at the top of the screen.

    • Here you can switch which input the projector will display. You should see four, labeled buttons.

      Blank - Turns off the projector display. This does not fully turn off the projector, so this is good if you want to hide your screen.

      PC - Your computer's screen is mirrored. To have the projector act as a second monitor, press 'Windows key + p' to bring up the display options.

      HDMI Port - It is located in the stand below the podium computer to the right. If you have a cable, this displays whatever is plugged directly into the podium port below the computer.

      HDMI Cable - It is connected to the podium computer and placed on a desk to the leftt. This will mirror whatever device is plugged into the available HDMI Cable connected to the podium.

    • Here you can adjust the volume of the room's speaker system. The best way to control volume level depends on what type of device you are using for audio.

      PC: Use the audio controls on the PC itself to adjust volume. The controls on the podium touch panel will do little to nothing to adjust volume.

      Mac: Use the podium touch panel to adjust volume. It's part of Mac OS to disable the audio control on the mac itself when using HDMI to output audio.

      Regardless of what type of device you use, be careful when adjusting volume as the controls are sensitive.

    • Here you can switch between several preset camera perspectives, or manually position the camera using the directional and zoom buttons. If you'd like to see what the camera is recording, use either a zoom meeting or go to the website shown in the bottom left of the screen. This website will allow you to remotely control the camera.

      For room control, go to
      Enter code: (find it on the display)

    • There is a wireless presentation remote that lets you control slides from a distance. It is also programmed with controls including mouse control, previous and next slide, volume control, full screen, pointer button, and a button for blacking out the screen.

    If you need immediate help, reach out to the lab assistants at the front desk. If they can't solve the problem, pressing the "help" button in the top right of the screen will bring up the contact information for OIT's Audio-Visual (AV) support team.

    The Lights

    There are three light switches in this room. One is just to your right as you come in either door. The third is to the left of the whiteboard near the presenter's podium.

    The switches by the doors are simply on/off buttons. The presenter's switch has additional functionality. It has 5 buttons, a large one on the left and 4 smaller buttons arranged vertically on the right. As you read the descriptions below you can reference the infographic for specifics on what it looks like.

    The Large Button

    Press on the top half to turn all lights on and press on the bottom half to turn all lights off. You can press and hold on either the top or the bottom to brighten or dim the lights respectively.

    The Top 2 Small Buttons

    These are the presenter modes. These buttons turn off the lights closest to the whiteboards and projector screen while leaving all other lights on. Presenter mode 2 is a dimmer version of presenter mode 1.

    The 3rd Small Button

    This button toggles the light above the presenter's station.

    The 4th Small Button

    This button toggles the lights closest to the whiteboards and projector screen on or off. This works while in any of the presenter modes.

    The Projector Screen

    To raise and lower the projector screen, use the buttons next to the light switch behind the presenter's station. The "up/down" buttons automatically raise or lower the screen fully. If you want to stop the screen at a particular place, use the "stop" button. Please do not pull on the screen to lower it.


    Classes: Schedule through BYU Campus Scheduling or FHSS Events Coordinator
    Rachel Dial
    KMBL 990B

    Temporary bookings (Events, TA reviews, study groups, etc.): Contact the FHSS Labs Team
    KMBL 101
    KMBL: (801) 422-1185

    Contact Us

    KMBL 101 & JFSB 1053
    KMBL: (801) 422 -1185
    JFSB: (801) 422-8525

    Please send us your feedback